Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lesson Plans!!

Happy Sunday!!! It's time for lesson plans again!!! It is a short week for us since we have an early release on Thursday for parent/ teacher conferences. In the spring, we only meet with parents of at risk kids, either academic or behavior.
 Last week, we finished up assessments for grade cards. Now... I just need to finish the grade cards!:( I am the worst at procrastinating about this!! I mean really... It's not like they are going to magically finish themselves, yet every time I come up with every excuse in the book!! No joke... I would rather mop floors than write comments!! Errr... Can someone just do it for me??:
Anyways... While I continue to clean house, fold laundry and just about anything but grades, we thought we would share our plans!! We are linking up with our dear friend DeeDee Wills for a peek at our week!!

Fab4 Lesson Plans for the Week of March 10, 2014

Fab4 Lesson Plans for the Week of March 10, 2014

Fab4 Lesson Plans for the Week of March 10, 2014

Fab4 Lesson Plans for the Week of March 10, 2014

Fab4 Lesson Plans for the Week of March 10, 2014

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